Brazil: First 48 Hours

Brazil: First 48 Hours

Dear Praying Friends,

Warm greetings from Brazil!

I mean that literally, it is sweltering here—shorts, sandals, and plenty of sweat—imagine mid-June in Tennessee, and you’ll get the idea.

I started writing this Sunday afternoon, January 28, during our break before the evening activities. We are only 50 hours into this trip, yet it seems like a week has already passed. This mission is becoming a fantastic God project, and I am so grateful for your prayers and steadfast support.

In this letter, I’ll document some of the events of the first 48 hours. There's a lot to share!


The Rick Bonfim Ministries Brazil missions trip is a discipleship experience which sets people free and empowers them in the Holy Spirit to do ministry and be a blessing to others. Hundreds have received healing and life-changing experiences through the time spent in Bible study, prayer and a rigorous schedule of evangelistic meetings at Brazilian churches 

Before leaving Thursday /Friday morning

On Thursday, before we left, I had a preliminary phone discussion with Jennifer (one of our team leaders) about the ministry we would be doing in northern Brazil. It turns out the host church of this event is one of the largest churches in Brazil, and they have been asking RBM to come for the last two years, saying that “we have many problems. . .” Apparently, where we are going is an area steeped in paganism, the occult, and witchcraft. She also told me of spiritual warfare that had been going on against her personally.

There had already been great difficulties for our team from the government regarding visas and confounding entry requirements. Praise God they were all overcome.

After the conversation with Jen, my awareness was heightened, and a wariness arose about the spiritual warfare we might face. I’m a lover, not a fighter, and I prefer to avoid hexes, vexes, curses, etc. However, before I was to fly out of Nashville on Friday morning, I felt the Lord say, “Do not fear—there is power in the blood of Jesus. ” That reminded me of the hymn.

Power In The Blood

I looked it up and shared “Power in the Blood” on my morning livestream. The verses took on a new meaning, now as weapons of spiritual warfare. The blood of Jesus is our protection and deliverance from all fear and accusation. Consider the issues the texts raise.

Do you want to you be free from the burden of sin?

There’s power in the blood.

Would you o'er evil a victory win?

There's wonderful power in the blood.

Do you want to you be free from your lust and your pride?

There’s power in the blood.

Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide;

There's wonderful power in the blood.

Do you want to you be whiter, much whiter than snow?

There's power in the blood.

Sin stains are lost in its life giving flow;

There's wonderful power in the blood.

The last verse speaks directly to our call to minister the gospel, especially from a place of weakness and inadequacy.

Would you do service for Jesus your King?

There's power in the blood.

Would you live daily His praises to sing?

There's wonderful power in the blood.


Friday in Atlanta Airport Lobby

When I met with the team in the lobby of the Atlanta airport, I mentioned to Abigail the revelation I had received that morning about the blood being strategic to our mission. She told me that she had received a prophetic word that morning, which she had written down. It was all about the blood! Here’s an excerpt:

“As I prayed in the spirit, I received a word for the church in Brazil. ‘The blood of Jesus, the blood of Jesus will break every bondage. . . The power and might of the Almighty will come forth. The Lord will be strong in this place. We will prevail against the darkness. . . Seek my face to hear my revelations that will open Isaiah 61 to set captives free, open prison doors, bind up the brokenhearted, and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord to open the power of Isaiah 61.”

I am understanding this word to be a confirmation of how the Lord would be leading and empowering our mission.


Saturday Arrival

We don’t work with the poor, we work with the miserable. —Dr. Daniel Bonfim

The mission base in Nitteroi is located in the favelas (ghetto) outside Rio de Janeiro. After we arrived, we met for lunch at the mission, where Dr. Daniel (pastor Rick’s brother) thanked us for coming to serve and helping support the mission’s work. I want to share some of what they shared because those who support my ministry are also helping to support other ministries like this one.

Pastor Rick: “Part of the money that you pay for the trip goes to fund the work of the mission. It costs about $150,000 per year to operate this mission. There are 9 workers here. The taxes are 40%! They do all kinds of services and ministry that take place here. You’re helping to feed the people; we feed 3000 meals a month downstairs.”

Dr. Daniel: “I want to thank you for coming. You have supported this ministry for a long time, more than 50 years.

We don’t work with the poor; we work with the miserable. People that don’t have any way to get food for the day. Alcoholics, drugs, and vices of all kinds.

There are a lot of children here. And you give them a good meal. The meals are healthy and the right way with protein and all that. The need is so tremendous here. Thank you for helping all this time.”

Lion Mural in Missions House



Saturday Evening

After finding our rooms, unpacking, and resting, we had our first team meeting after dinner. The presence and encouragement from the Lord was powerful.

We have one room for eating and meeting; it’s small, and the acoustics are not great, so I was glad they had a small amp and microphone that I could use for leading the worship.

The anointing was tangible because of the strong desire and desperation of the people on this team. We began by praying and singing The Blessing over each other, the venue, and our mission. Then, we loudly sang/proclaimed the eschatological vision of The Lion and The Lamb. Then I shared what the Lord had revealed about the blood, and we sang my arrangement of “There’s Power In The Blood.”

Pastor Rick then taught about “Understanding Deliverance,” unpacking principles from Colossians 1:16, Revelation 12:10, 1 Peter 5:8, Rev 9:11, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Luke 4:5-6, Acts 26:18, and much more. He closed with three principles to help us in warfare. 1) Do not allow wisdom to be clouded by being naive. 2) Never compromise belief or behavior beyond the point of Biblical and personal integrity. 3) Victory is impossible without courage - remember that faith involves taking risks.

Jennifer then taught, and we closed with prayer and personal ministry.

From my room, sleep was challenging. There was wild and thunderous drumming and chanting in the favella all night. It sounded like pagan war rituals.

Worship in the mission Brazil


Sunday Morning

After breakfast, we had a time of worship. I taught the group how to sing the chorus of A New Anointing in Portuguese. Holy Holy Holy was glorious. Then Rick and Linda taught led our Bible study. After that, we headed down the many steps down the hill to the mission church.

Rick Bonfim Ministries emphasizes prayer and proclamation for salvation, healing, and deliverance in the power of the Holy Spirit. Less than 24 hours after arriving, our group was ministering with the “miserables” on Sunday morning,. God's presence was glorious.


Sunday Afternoon

After lunch and rest, we had more Bible study on how Jesus instructed the disciples to conduct deliverance and how demons come in and they come out. 

When confronting evil, believers can have confidence that God’s angels are with them. The lyrics of the Chris Tomlin song “Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)” express this truth. We sang it for this session. 

You crush the enemy

underneath my feet

You are my sword and shield

Though troubles linger still

Whom shall I fear?

I know Who goes before me

I know Who stands behind

The God of angel armies

is always by my side


Sunday evening

After dinner, we took a bus trip to an extraordinary ice cream shop by the water. They have been in business for 50 years and give ice cream to the children at the mission. Pastor Rick introduced us to the husband and wife owners and said, “Rob, lead us in a song for them.”

I had no idea what to do. Jennifer looked at me and said, “How about The Blessing?

“Perfect!” I told her and proceeded to conduct our makeshift choir. The angels must have joined us. The wife was in tears. It was a beautiful moment.

We returned to the mission and had a very intense time with Jennifer teaching about “Rejection.” Then Rick had profound prophetic words for everybody. We engaged in a powerful time of prayer and ministry.

And that was our first two days on this project. 

It’s summer and pretty hot here. My room has a (very lame) air conditioner that runs for about 1 minute, shuts off for 5 minutes, then turns back on very loudly. It kept waking me up, so I finally unplugged it and got a decent night’s sleep.

The internet is not good here; both the local Wi-Fi and cellular data are weak and inconsistent. 


Signing Off

This is shaping up to be a very challenging but meaningful trip, essentially par for the course with RBM. There is excellent team chemistry and a good mixture of veterans and newbies to this type of ministry. We will have more equipping/ discipleship training on Monday and Tuesday, then fly to northern Brazil on Wednesday. Where we are going is a very spiritually dark region. Our team will minister there for five consecutive days of services. Thousands are expected to attend.

Pray for protection, health, safety, and the power of God to be released revealed to all who need salvation, healing and deliverance..

Thank you for your support! Blessings to all who are praying with and for us!

The Lord be with you,


Rob Still Ministries, Inc is a TN Non-profit corporation and 501(c)(3) charity organized exclusively for charitable, religious, and educational purposes, including, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (USA). Donations are tax-deductible for income tax purposes to the extent allowed by law.