Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Foundational Biblical Principles in the Declaration of Independence

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Foundational Biblical Principles in the Declaration of Independence

In the July 4th edition of The Divine Perspective, we consider six foundational biblical principles embodied in the United States Declaration of Independence. These ideals provide ample reason to be grateful for the founding rationale of the USA.  [The following article is condensed from my previous essay on this topic.]

1. Innate Human Dignity: 

The Bible asserts that all humans are created in the image of God (Gen 1:27). The Declaration echoes this, declaring it “self-evident” that every person is created equally with “certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

2. Natural Human Rights: 

The Declaration states that human rights are inherent and not granted by governments. Psalm 139:13-14 highlights human life’s intrinsic value and rights from conception. The Declaration builds upon this biblical idea that rights are first given by God.

3. Government by Consent: 

The Declaration maintains that governments derive their power from “the consent of the governed.” The Bible teaches that leaders must serve and protect their people, as seen in Romans 13:1, which implies that government power comes from God’s ordination and the people’s consent.

4. Right to Self-Governance: 

The Declaration states that people have the right to change their government to prevent oppression. This right reflects biblical themes of freedom and self-determination. For example, Exodus 18:21 describes the people’s selection of leaders, and Acts 6 shows the early church choosing leaders to meet specific needs.

5. Right to Seek Redress: 

The Declaration affirms that people can challenge their government when their rights are violated. Proverbs 31:8-9 supports this by advocating for justice and the rights of the marginalized, emphasizing the need to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

6. Revolutionary Spirit: 

While not explicitly biblical, the Declaration’s revolutionary spirit aligns with biblical narratives of standing against injustice. The liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage (Exodus 3:7-10) and the apostles’ defiance of unjust authorities (Acts 5:29) exemplify the principle of resisting oppression and seeking freedom.


The values in the U.S. Declaration of Independence resonate with biblical principles of human dignity, natural rights, government by consent, self-governance, seeking redress, and a revolutionary spirit. While the Declaration initiated a significant political revolution, the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to drive the greatest revolution in human history.

My friends, may you prosper in your soul as you pursue life, liberty, and happiness - life in all its fullness, the true freedom that can only be found through Jesus Christ, and the happiness that results from walking humbly with our God.

And that is today’s Divine Perspective!

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