Faith Equal to The Need

Faith Equal to The Need

This article reflects on an important spiritual principle experienced during my mission trip to Brazil in June of 2024.

The people we minister to have significant needs with much poverty, misery, and spiritual darkness. Pastor Rick Bonfim led our team through a study of Jesus' ministry methodology, mainly the miracle accounts in Matthew 8 and 9.

At one point, Pastor Rick pointed out a principle that hit me like a lightning bolt and has fueled my jets ever since.

'When your faith is equal to the need, you will see miracles.' Rick Bonfim

The Faith of the Roman Centurion

Consider the story of the Roman Centurion and the astounding level of faith he exhibited in Matthew 8:5-13. He was a man "under authority" who understood how power and authority worked.

He also knew that, as a Roman and gentile, he was an outsider to Jewish culture and covenantal promises. He understood he was not entitled to a Messianic hope. But he did know enough about who Jesus was and what he was like from what he had seen and heard on the streets.

When You Care Deeply About the Suffering of Others

This Roman commander asked Jesus to help his servant, who was bedridden, paralyzed, and suffering terribly. Jesus recognized the humanity of his need and the concern he had for his servant.

When Jesus responded to his request affirmatively—"I will go and heal him"— the faith level of the centurion must have expanded exponentially.

His belief was all in. If Jesus said he would heal him, he believed it would be done.

Furthermore, Jesus's presence and attention humbled him: "Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof" (Matt 8:8).

Astonishing Faith

As a military leader, he understood how the chain of command works. "Just say the word, and my servant will be healed. "

This level of faith "astonished Jesus," and he proclaimed a new level of revelation about the kingdom of God.

I tell you the truth, I have not heard in Israel anyone with such great faith!" Matthew 8:10

Then he said to the centurion, "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would." And the servant was healed at that very hour (Matt 8:13).

The centurion's level of faith was equal to the need of that moment.

The centurion's faith was not diminished by his cultural barriers, circumstances, or status. His faith was in Jesus’ ability to heal.

There is a special spiritual gift of belief, "a surge of faith above and beyond normal that appears at the moment to get the job done." [1] This spiritual gift is available for you and me now, just as it was then.

When God moves, it is a done deal

God's work can only be done God's way, that is why we must rely on the work of the Holy Spirit. When you are in a time of great need, call upon the Lord for great faith, believing he will give you what you need.

Jesus promises that "According to your faith it will be done for you." (Matt 9:29)

As Pastor Rick would say, "When God moves, it is a done deal."

Raise your faith to equal the need before you, and trust God to move. 


[1] Rick Bonfim, RBM Lecture notes, "The Gifts of The Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11" ; June 3-6, 2024.

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