In this series we are considering the Divine Perspective regarding the question, “what is worthy of giving thanks for.” Paul writes, “I thank Christ Jesus, our Lord who has given me strength …” All right, stop right there. First, we give thanks to Jesus Christ, who has given us strength.
Continue readingGiving thanks and practicing the attitude of gratitude is particularly healthy and helpful during the Thanksgiving Holidays. Giving thanks is one of the essential actions and attitudes of worship that is in spirit and truth (John 4:24). Furthermore, more than sufficient scientific, psychological, and theological research supports the hypothesis that giving thanks in the context of worship is good for you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Continue readingThe values and principles reflected in the U.S.A. Declaration of Independence resonate with biblical ideas of innate human dignity, natural human rights, government by consent, self-governance, seeking redress, and a revolutionary spirit.
Continue readingThis article discusses the theological, emotional, and musical ideas behind my rambunctious Alt-Country song, “Though He Slay Me.” Based on Job 13:15, “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him.”
Continue readingThe implications of the Ascension are worthy of both attention and intention.God’s workers are empowered with the authority of Jesus to overcome all the power of the enemy—most decidedly demons and sickness.
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