The Psalmist wrote, “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). Paying attention to the time we have left on the planet is the quintessential Divine Perspective.
Continue readingThis Eastertide reflection considers the significance of truth in Christianity, particularly the disciples’ testimony regarding the resurrection of Jesus. An excerpt from the new revised Resurrection Power forthcoming.
Continue readingThis trip has been one of the most intense mission trips I have ever participated in. I am continually amazed and astounded by the ways of God. God uses the gifts of the Holy Spirit to do the work of building his kingdom. God builds his kingdom through his people—regular, everyday people. In other words, spiritual gifts are not just for some elite class of spiritual superstars. God’s gifts are “FOR THE COMMON GOOD”
Continue readingClarity of identity and calling is what propelled Jesus through the wilderness. Clarity of your calling in God is what will empower you to live your purpose with courage and resilience. Over time, your identity and calling may vary or adapt, but always seek to discover, re-discover, and clarify the core essence of who God created you to be.
Continue readingGod's story is not the progressive unfolding of Divine perfection, but rather a series of epic sagas interlaced with shocking messes. So, what does this tell us about God? God’s ways are full of mystery. God transforms messes into masterpieces —that is what He does, that is how he creates, that is how he manifests supernatural love in the natural world.
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