Trusting In God, Not Chariots: A Post-Election Reflection

Trusting In God, Not Chariots: A Post-Election Reflection

May 18, 2023

In the USA, we just concluded an extensive, divisive election season, and—there are winners and losers. Some people are feeling joy, while others feel disappointment. As followers of Christ, we are called to rise above these emotions and base our hope in something—or Someone—far more lasting.

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Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Foundational Biblical Principles in the Declaration of Independence

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Foundational Biblical Principles in the Declaration of Independence

Jul 04, 2023

The values in the U.S. Declaration of Independence resonate with biblical principles of human dignity, natural rights, government by consent, self-governance, seeking redress, and a revolutionary spirit. While the Declaration initiated a significant political revolution, the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to drive the greatest revolution in human history.

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Six Biblical Principles Embodied in the U.S. Declaration of Independence

Six Biblical Principles Embodied in the U.S. Declaration of Independence

Nov 14, 2023

The values and principles reflected in the U.S.A. Declaration of Independence resonate with biblical ideas of innate human dignity, natural human rights, government by consent, self-governance, seeking redress, and a revolutionary spirit.

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