Latest Articles

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Foundational Biblical Principles in the Declaration of Independence

Jul 04, 2024
The values in the U.S. Declaration of Independence resonate with biblical principles of human dignity, natural rights, government by consent, self-governance, seeking redress, and a revolutionary spirit. While the Declaration initiated a significant political revolution, the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to drive the greatest revolution in human history.
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Faith Equal to The Need

Jun 20, 2024
The centurion's level of faith was equal to the need of that moment. His faith was in Jesus’ ability to heal. There is a special gift of belief, "a surge of faith above and beyond normal that appears at the moment to get the job done." [1] This spiritual gift is available for you and me now, just as it was then.
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The Pentecost Transformation

May 21, 2024
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Seeking Truth

This Eastertide reflection considers the significance of truth in Christianity, particularly the disciples’ testimony regarding the resurrection of Jesus. An excerpt from the new revised Resurrection Power forthcoming.
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This trip has been one of the most intense mission trips I have ever participated in. I am continually amazed and astounded by the ways of God. God uses the gifts of the Holy Spirit to do the work of building his kingdom. God builds his kingdom through his people—regular, everyday people. In other words, spiritual gifts are not just for some elite class of spiritual superstars. God’s gifts are “FOR THE COMMON GOOD”
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Your Unique Identity Is God's Divine Calling

Clarity of identity and calling is what propelled Jesus through the wilderness. Clarity of your calling in God is what will empower you to live your purpose with courage and resilience. Over time, your identity and calling may vary or adapt, but always seek to discover, re-discover, and clarify the core essence of who God created you to be.
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Mystery, Messes, & Masterpieces

Jan 13, 2024
God's story is not the progressive unfolding of Divine perfection, but rather a series of epic sagas interlaced with shocking messes. So, what does this tell us about God? God’s ways are full of mystery. God transforms messes into masterpieces —that is what He does, that is how he creates, that is how he manifests supernatural love in the natural world.
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The Spiritual Energy of Epiphany

Jan 06, 2024
The season of Epiphany offers an opportunity to embody the spiritual energy of renewal and recommitment. Although New Years Day has passed, we can maintain the invigorating energy of making a fresh start by paying attention to the scriptural narratives and lessons of Epiphany. Spiritual energy is a grace gift of God that transforms our human perspective. When we gain the perspective of heaven—The Divine Perspective—it shifts and empowers our mental and emotional state of being. Thus, as new creations, are we re-created in Christ Jesus to do good works.
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Brazil: First 48 Hours

Jan 29, 2024
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Books I Am Reading 

All The News That's Still News ...

Updates on Rob Still Music, Ministry, and Missions projects . . . 

Music Updates

NEW RELEASE! The Wilderness, is now available at all music services and at 


Many of my early articles on worship, songwriting, ministry and leadership are at:

This site is slated for updating.

Missions Projects

Donations for our international missions projects are tax deductible. For 2024 trips are planned for Brazil, Malta (SIM), Kenya, Uganda, Spain (SIM) and Canada (SIM).  


Upcoming Missions Trip Countdown: / SPAIN

September 4 - September 17, 2024. Leaving in: 

00 Days
00 Hours
00 Mins
00 Secs

Next Missions Trip: CANADA with 

October 1-6, 2024.